Monday, August 26, 2019

Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker D23 "trailer"

I bet when 2/3 of the Titanic was already submerged the crew got frantic and just started coming up with all kinds of cockamamie idea's...we can see this in the D23 "trailer" for TRoS...
First off literally 56 seconds of this "trailer" is nothing but a reminder of better times....before Disney. Thanks for the trip down nostalgia lane but I thought you wanted us to "let the past die, kill it if we have to". And how did you respond to criticism of TLJ from fans like myself???

And the rest is just....cockamamie

Are we supposed to believe C-3PX is gonna be in RotS, or is this confirmation of the recent plot leak the C-3PO mistakenly uploads the memory unit of an old combat droid. It wasn't funny in AotC, it certainly won't be funny now.

Image result for attack of the clones c 3po attack droid

So Rey is a Sith Temple Guard?? Nice connection to Rebels, but futile. the writers of BVS pale in comparison to Dave Filoni, the prodigal son of the Maker!

There's a difference between thematic juxtaposition for story telling purpose and control C, control V. I don't think Jar Jar realizes this!
I fear this trilogy was rushed out with out a clear story planned, character development planned out and has not connected to kids my son's age. The ST has created a rift in the fandom as far apart in opinion as the Jedi and Sith philosophies and only a master who knows all the aspects of the force can reunite the fandom! Clearly the person IS NOT Kathleen Kennedy!
I propose a vote of no confidence in Kathleen Kennedy, and propose Dave Filoni be considered as the new Chancelor of Lucasfilm!

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