As the day progressed I must've caught 10 doz, but I grew tired and I daydreamed of my recent fight against the Lich in Fei Yin, I was anxious to serve my country so I traveled back to Bastok and met with President Karst to find out my next assignment was to travel to Castle Zvahl, located in the far north of Xarcabard and investigate the tomb of the Shadow Lord. I asked Krogenar if he was interested in traveling to Zvahl where tragity had befell a group of adventurers 30 year before, where Raogrimm the only Galkan Mithril Musketeer died...
Soon Krogenar logged on and Eleazar and Farseer volunteered to assist me on my trip to Castle Zvahl and the tomb of the Shadow Lord......I warped back to Jeutopia met up with Farseer and grabbed a tele taxi to Xarcabard and the two of us headed north to the Castle where we'd meet up with Eleazar.The land of Xarcabard is cursed and all around demon Wizards roamed the cold landscape, the northern lights shone from deep chasims near the foot of the castle entrance.
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