Sunday, January 22, 2017

Star Wars Rebels S3E15 Trials of the Dark SabreThoughts and Impressions

I absolutely loved this episode, the Lucas Film story group and Dave Filoni has expanded the Star Wars universe more in 20 minutes than Jar Jar Abrams did in 2 hours with TFA!
For those who never watched TCW series one of the greatest story arc's was in season 5 episodes 102 "Eminence", 103 "Shades of Reason" and 104 "The Lawless"

 This amazing story arc culminated in one of the most memorable fights in the entire Clone Wars series!

With this past Saturday's episode of Rebels we are reunited with the Darksabre and given some fascinating history of the unique lightsaber courtesy of Fen Rau. I hope to see or hear more about Tar Vizla the only Mandalorian inducted into the Jedi Order in the future!

That there is plenty of awesome but no there's more!
When Fen Rau hooks Sabine up with Mando gauntlets and she beats Ezra we are treated to yet another gem that expands the SW canon Universe when Kanan tells Sabine "History Lesson...the Jedi won the war with Madalore" by saying this Rebels has officially brought a huge chunk of KOTOR legends into Canon and made it possible for D/LFL to revisit this time at a later point via Movies or TV/ Streaming Media Services! 

Aside from the above 2 gems seeing Sabine let her emotions flow and knock Kanan on his ass (tapping into the dark side hmmmm) was great, I know some folks had a problem with this because she really wouldn't be able to do this but I chock it up to Kanan was always trying to break down her walls and if he didn't allow her to she would've fallen back into self doubt.

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