With the launch date for MGS4 creeping ever closer I can't wait to play as Old Snake and see if my hunch is correct! When MGS4 was first announced and the environment was announced I predicted a return to Outer Heaven...I was close enough!
I predict Solid Snake will come face to face with Big Boss who is still alive! Big Boss will tell Solid Snake EVERYTHING and he will be killed by Liquid Ocelot, Solid Snake will kill Liquid Ocelot and at the end decide to live.....and not take his own life like the trailers suggest. We'll find out soon enough!
Wow I got off track, we're talking about Metal Gear Online (MGO) well the beta begins April 21st and the key code's must be entered day after tommorow. I'll be playing MGO with members of my clan, the Kontract Killaz so I'll see you on the battle field!
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