My friend Will invited me to this blog. Just gonna jump in with a recap of the recent concert I went to.
I love concerts. The spring and summer I go more than winter, but I don't let rain/snow/heat or floods stop me from seeing my favorite bands. lol
Because as I said, I am a concert junkie.
I like all types of music. I’m not much on hop-hop/rap, or even Country, but I do like some once in awhile.
I listen to some 80’s rock. such as Metallica, Motley Crue anything similar.
But I am mostly into Alternative/Modern Rock/Post grunge. Bands like Seether, Smile Empty Soul, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, etc…
So around a month ago I see ShineDown which is one my favorite groups coming to Raleigh, NC. That is an hour and a half from me. I’m going no matter what. Hell or highwater. And there was alot of water cause it has been raining since yesterday morning.
So anyhow, I bought tickets and won a meet&greet with the band. I was totally stoked. So I go yesterday and get there quite early. Four hours early in fact. There were about 15 people already standing in line. It is cold and misting rain. But hey, I’m with crazy like minded people. I always have fun going to concerts. Everyone is always cool, of course there will be a few drunken idiots, but everyone is good to be around.
So after two hours of standing there one of the opening acts called, Halestorm which has a knockout woman singer, by the way, comes up to us with the bass player and their tour manager. They serve us coffee. lol
They said we were crazy dedicated fans and deserve something warm. It was really cool of them to do that.
So about an hour and half later at 6:45 the tour manager came out and asked about the meet&greet winners. He checks ID’s and my name is on the list. There were only three of us.
We get in they check our ID’s and confirmation stuff again. The tour manager told us to warm up and the band will be here any second. So I got to the bathroom, then come out and there they are. They were really, really cool guys. Very nice. They signed my CD and we took a picture and hung out for ten minutes while the freezing fans look inside the door. I told them I really appreciated their music and that it means alot to me. Which is does. Just talked about different things. Pretty intimate setting really. Then they had to go. We got to stay and go anywhere we liked for the concert.
They let in everyone about a 5 minutes later. It was soldout. Packed to the gills.
Halestorm came on. The singer has a great voice and they rocked us for 30 minutes. I had never actually heard them before, but I liked them. And they make great coffee, lol
Second band was Black Stone Cherry. I seen these guys a few years ago and met them. Very cool guys. They are from Kentucky and sound great. They play hard rock with a southern feel. They put on a great show. They played for 45 minutes.
Finally Shinedown comes on. I couldn’t wait. I’ve seen them several times and they have great songs. Songs with meaning. The singer sings with passion.
They literally tear the roof off the place. The crowd was into it, jumping and singing every word. Shinedown is very energetic and make you feel like part of the band. They played alot of songs off their new CD called, “The Sound of Madness” and some of their signature songs off their old CD’s such as “Burning Bright” and “Fly from the inside.”
In all I had such a blast. Meeting new people and exchanging emails or myspace addresses with people who love music like I do. And end up with new friends by the end of the night.
Until next time. Rock on.
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