Friday, April 3, 2020

The High Republic Diversity and Inclusiveness for all...and dinosaurs too

So the first trailer for Star Wars The High Replublic was the spark that ignited a firestorm of ridicule from the fans, I would've posted about it but that horse was beat to death, reanimated using force healing then beaten to death again. But just gave us our next update on this exciting era of Star Wars. and I cannot wait to dissect these fascinating new additions to our favorite galaxy far far away.

 Avar Kriss is the "best of the best", of course she is. Reading her bio I threw up in my mouth.
 Loden Greatstorm is a Twi'Lek Jedi Master who has a temple guard lightsaber....
He's strong and wise and has a good sense of humor...UUGGHH who wrote these character bio's? My son's 4th grade class?
And his name....C'mon the name is pretentious and sounds like something from LotR, and his appearance looks like he belongs in JRR's world!
 Keeve Trennis GTFOH! Just give her blue hair and stick her on a ship with Holdo! All these half shaved heads, and dyed hair styles can miss me. Human society is split like the Zentradi and Meltran!
So this Meltran idolizes Avar Kris...of course she does, Meltrans hate Zentrans....
She's a Jedi Knight but has low self esteem...Palpatine would eat her alive and spit her out....
 Stellen Gios aka Master Basic, is stationed on a Jedi Outpost on a distant planet named Caragon-Viner....gonna take a guess, it's a desert planet. He went thru the Jedi Academy with Avar Kriss, apparently when they work together they compliment each other (yin yang).
Vernestra Rwoh A sixteen year old jedi knight???  What the hell species is she? We're not told, perhaps she's a human that's been poisoned by gamma radiation?
What does a 16 year old know about life?
Gotta hit that YA target audience!

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