Kagetora explains that the blade has already been purchased by Ryoma in Norg, but he might be willing to trade the blade for some strangely shaped coral that can be attained by killing 3 Korroloka Leeches...
So off I head to Korroloka Tunnel to hunt down these 3 NM leeches to get the Strangley Shaped Coral.
Tryptifaeris enters the Korroloka Tunnel in search of the Korroloka Leeches, while exploring I spot a KO'd lvl 46 THF and raise him and ask if he'll assist me in killing these three leeches so I can get the coral, so now the two of us are navigating the tunnels and reach our destination. It is recomended in the guide that to fight these three leeches a PT of at least 4 level 40 adventurers are recomended, well a lvl 50 WHM (me) and a lvl 46 THF defeated them.
I thank the THF and promptly teleport to the Yhoator Jungle, I make my way thru the maze-like paths and tunnels to Yutunga Jungle and reach a bluff overlooking a field, at the far end of the field two waterfalls. I suddenly recall the tale of Krogenar and the two Falls, I drop down a sinkhole and run across the field to the waterfall on the right and the entrance to Sea Serpent Grotto.
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